I Rely On Beauty To Stabilize The Country

I Rely On Beauty To Stabilize the Country Chapter 83


Chapter 83

What Gu Yuanbai was pondering in his heart remained unknown to anyone. No matter how much Li Angshun speculated, he couldn’t fathom that beneath the elegant and luxurious exterior of the Da Heng Emperor, thoughts were already brewing about how to bring the entire Western Xia under his control.

Li Angshun’s initial resentment had now morphed into a sensation of heat flushing his face, and this awkward feeling didn’t dissipate until the eunuch led him away.

Once everyone else had left, Gu Yuanbai wiped his hands and inquired, “Where is the envoy from Fusang seated?”


Tian Fusheng felt that the Emperor seemed particularly interested in the envoy from Fusang. He whispered, “Your Majesty, he is seated just beside the Western Xia envoy.”

Gu Yuanbai looked in that direction, but unfortunately, the distance was too great to see clearly. He had specifically checked the number of gifts offered by Fusang when they presented their tribute. Among the surrounding countries, the tribute from Fusang was one of the most remarkable.

Since the Han Dynasty, Fusang had been a vassal state of China. During the Tang Dynasty, they sent emissaries to the Tang court to learn and develop their own strength. After the transition to the Da Heng Dynasty from the Tang Dynasty, despite various changes, Fusang remained respectful to Da Heng and still aimed to maintain good relations.

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Rd Qw Zwydcyk’p lulp, vbkp nswdvau oyp wdeldkyczu prlnkyz.

Qw Zwydcyk zsolale bkp tygl, cwv bl qlzv y tygl qasx bkp zlqv. Tl vwadle bkp blye yde pyo vbl Vakdnl Tl aykpkdt bkp nwr vsoyae bkx. Qw Zwydcyk pxkzle yde aykple bkp sod nwr kd ynjdsozletxldv.

Gp vbl fyel nwrp vswnble, Qw Zwydcyk’p casop qwaasole. Tl pweeldzu alxlxclale vbyv vbl fyel nwr bl wple clqsal pllxle vs byhl clld vyjld yoyu cu Dwl Zwyd yp bl byed’v plld kv.

Mbkdjkdt sq Dwl Zwyd, Qw Zwydcyk alnyzzle vbl vos oszhlp. Tl vwadle vs zssj vs vbl pkel, oblal vbl vos oszhlp bye yzalyeu clld yaaydtle cu psxlsdl. Mblu olal nwaaldvzu qlypvkdt sd qalpb xlyv kd y nsdnlyzle nsadla.

Mblu pllx vs ldfsu kv lhld xsal vbyd xl.

Qw Zwydcyk pweeldzu qlzv zkjl pdsavkdt. Tl vwadle bkp blye yoyu, vlxrsayakzu rwvvkdt ypkel bkp svbla vbswtbvp, yde cltyd vs qsnwp sd bkp xlyz.

Gqvla vball aswdep sq okdl, vbl pju bye eyajldle. Gqvla vbl cydiwlv nsdnzwele, vbl ryzynl yvvldeydvp lpnsavle vbl sqqknkyzp yde ldhsup swv. Qw Zwydcyk oyzjle swv sq vbl ryzynl yde ldvlale vbl Rxrlakyz Qyaeld vs calyvbl kd vbl qalpb yka.

Mbl caktbv xssd bwdt bktb kd vbl pju, vbl tldvzl callgl awpvzle, yde vbl pnldv sq qzsolap yde taypp qzsyvle kd vbl yka.

With his hands behind his back, Gu Yuanbai looked up at the moon among the branches. Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching. He turned his head slightly and saw Prince He, reeking of alcohol, stumbling his way toward him with the support of a eunuch.


The eunuch struggling to hold up the Prince He said, “Your Majesty, Prince He is intoxicated and refuses to leave the palace.”

Upon hearing the words “Your Majesty,” Prince He burped from the alcohol. He waved off the eunuchs around him and managed to stand somewhat straight. His gaze swept around the area before finally fixing on Gu Yuanbai. He stared with wide eyes and slurred, “You’re not allowed to send me back.”

Gu Yuanbai replied, “How much have you been drinking? You reek of alcohol.”

Prince He, however, remained silent. He only stared at Gu Yuanbai as if he had suddenly forgotten who Gu Yuanbai was.

Gu Yuanbai chuckled and playfully remarked, “Why do you have that expression, Prince He? Don’t you recognize me?”

“You’re the Emperor,” Prince He said in a somber tone, each word emphasized, “Emperor, younger brother.”

Gu Yuanbai responded with a nasal tone and instructed the eunuch, “Take him to the Hua Yi Palace for rest.”

The eunuchs immediately complied.

Gu Yuanbai turned his gaze away and continued to gaze at the moonlight. Prince He, however, didn’t want to leave. He stubbornly stood his ground and asked, “What are you looking at?”

Gu Yuanbai ignored him.

Prince He persisted, “I’m talking to you. Why aren’t you responding?”

“I don’t feel like talking to a drunkard,” Gu Yuanbai casually replied.


Prince He stated, “I’m not drunk.”

Gu Yuanbai couldn’t help but laugh. He turned to the palace attendants and said, “Why haven’t you taken Prince He back yet?”

The palace attendants surrounded the Prince He, whispered persuasions, and tried to lead him away with a combination of gentle and firm touches. Prince He remained unmoving, but couldn’t withstand the pulling any longer. After a while, he seemed to regain his senses, wiped his face, and said, “I just want to enjoy the breeze. Your Majesty, let me stay and enjoy the breeze with you.”

Only when Gu Yuanbai nodded did the palace attendants step aside. Gu Yuanbai strolled along the pathway, and the bright moon above accompanied his steps.

The gentle and pure moonlight gently spread, casting a layer of silver light everywhere, resembling fallen snow.

Prince He followed behind. As they walked, he began to feel dizzy and disoriented. Passing by a rockery, he suddenly grabbed Gu Yuanbai’s hand, abruptly halting the Emperor’s steps.

Gu Yuanbai frowned, “Gu Zhao.”

Prince He’s breath came in ragged gasps, and his fingers clenched. The scent of alcohol on him seemed to seep toward Gu Yuanbai’s nose. Just as palace attendants from a distance were about to approach, Prince He spoke, “Gu Lian.”

His voice was low, “Why haven’t you taken a palace concubine?”

Gu Yuanbai calmly replied, “I’ve already told you once. Do you want me to die in a palace concubine’s bed?”

“But you can’t even get with a woman,” Prince He’s head was still lowered, but his grip on Gu Yuanbai’s hand tightened, “how could you have children?”

Gu Yuanbai replied, “There are still royal relatives, and there’s you.”


Prince He’s fingers twitched, and his heart skipped a beat. “Me?”

“You will also have children,” Gu Yuanbai affirmed.

Prince He stiffened, and after a while, he released Gu Yuanbai’s hand on his own. He murmured, “Truly worthy of being an Emperor.”

Truly worthy of being the Emperor chosen by the late Emperor.

He walked past Gu Yuanbai in a daze. His steps were a bit unsteady. Gu Yuanbai was about to have someone support him when his expression suddenly changed. He swiftly reached out and pulled Prince He behind him.

In the darkness, two pairs of beastly pupils gleamed, and two agile wolves charged towards them. Their eyes glowed with a green light, and they fixed a fierce gaze on Prince He.

Their growls grew increasingly dangerous, bared fangs ready to strike. Gu Yuanbai sternly commanded, “Back off.”

The wolves circled Gu Yuanbai a few times, attempting to find an opportunity to bite Prince He. Gu Yuanbai didn’t hesitate to kick them a couple of times. He pointed into the distance and ordered, “Go away.”

After a few repetitions, the two wolves whimpered, tails tucked between their legs, and slowly retreated into the darkness.

This encounter completely sobered up Prince He. He had a thin sheen of sweat on his back. “Your Majesty, did you raise wolves by your side?”

Gu Yuanbai gave a perfunctory response, his mind preoccupied with the fact that what Xue Yuan had said was true.

The Prince frowned, “How could you raise wolves by your side?”


He continued with a long string of words, but Gu Yuanbai wasn’t interested in listening. He had the attendants take Prince He to the Hua Yi Palace and sent guards to protect him. He didn’t want the Prince He’s fingers to actually get bitten off by these two wolves.

Before leaving, the Prince seemed to think of something. His tone suddenly turned serious, “Your Majesty, did Xue Yuan give you these two wolves?”

Gu Yuanbai replied, “And if he did?”

Prince He looked deeply into his eyes, then turned and followed the palace attendants away.

Once Prince He was gone, Gu Yuanbai took another leisurely stroll. The two wolves followed behind him, pitifully keeping their distance. Gu Yuanbai wasn’t afraid of them, but others felt a shiver down their spines due to these two wolves, their hairs standing on end.

“Y-Your Majesty,” Tian Fusheng cautiously said, “It’s getting late.”

Gu Yuanbai glanced at the sky. “Then let’s go back.”

Before going to sleep, His Majesty took a bath. While he was bathing, the two fully grown wolves with lustrous black fur walked into the palace. They eagerly brought the scattered shoes on the ground to Gu Yuanbai’s feet.

Gu Yuanbai opened his eyes and glanced at them, a smile tugging at his lips amidst the swirling steam. “The creature takes after its master.”

As soon as he spoke, the two wolves put down the dragon-patterned boots and curiously lowered their bodies, extending their tongues to lap at the hot water in the bath.

Gu Yuanbai: “…”

Were these the wolves that Xue Yuan had worked so hard to domesticate?


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EA [Translator]

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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    The wolves are same as their master😂