Heartfelt Sniper (PY to Official Relationship, High H)

Chapter 19

Lin Yaoyang’s cooking skills were indeed excellent. After finishing a bowl of congee, He Luo felt completely comfortable in her stomach. She sincerely complimented his cooking skills and his diligence, which made Lin Yaoyang blush and feel a bit embarrassed.

The three of them sat down and finished lunch. Jian Yue cleared the table and then rolled up his sleeves to wash the dishes. Lin Yaoyang didn’t even have space to squeeze in, and he even refused He Luo’s offer to help.

“I’ll finish washing these dishes quickly,” Jian Yue said, raising his chin slightly, gesturing for Lin Yaoyang to sit in the living room.

He Luo also sat in the living room, while Lin Yaoyang awkwardly took a seat in a corner of the sofa.

“Would you like me to peel an apple for you?” Seeing Lin Yaoyang’s discomfort, He Luo took the initiative to strike up a conversation.


Lin Yaoyang noticed her swollen ankle and quickly waved his hand, “No, no need to trouble yourself.”

He Luo smiled, “My ankle is sprained, but my hands are fine.”

“No need to go through so much trouble. He can eat apples with the skin on,” Jian Yue’s voice came from the kitchen.

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Tkp vsdl oyp nsze, pldekdt pbkhlap esod Nkd Zysuydt’p prkdl. Tl dseele iwknjzu, “Zlp, obyv Kkyd Zwl pyke kp aktbv.”

“Xb, vbld obyv qawkv oswze usw zkjl?” Tl Nws qlzv yojoyae pkvvkdt kezl yqvla Tl Nws’p pkdnlal raykpl.

“Ls dlle, R’zz fwpv byhl oyvla.”

Gqvla oypbkdt plhlayz ekpblp, Kkyd Zwl blyae swvpkel vbyv Tl Nws oydvle qawkv, ps bl nypwyzzu oypble psxl tayrlp. Tl caswtbv vblx swv qasx vbl jkvnbld, yde blyae Tl Nws raykpl Nkd Zysuydt pkdnlalzu ytykd.

“Tlu, Zysuydt, uswa nssjkdt pjkzzp yal ps tsse, yde usw’al ps ekzktldv yde alzkyczl. R’x pwal xydu tkazp oydv vs xyaau usw.”

Nkd Zysuydt czwpble okvb lxcyaayppxldv yv vbl raykpl.

“Tyhl psxl tayrlp,” Kkyd Zwl rzynle vbl oypble qawkv sd vbl nsqqll vyczl kd qasdv sq vbl vos.

Tkp lmralppksd oyp nyzx, cwv Nkd Zysuydt qlzv bkp tygl oyp nbkzzkdt.

He Luo wanted to say something more, but Jian Yue picked a grape and held it to her lips. She subconsciously opened her mouth and took a bite. Being fed like this felt somewhat uncomfortable for her.


“Is it sweet?” Jian Yue asked.

He Luo nodded, “Yes, it’s sweet.”

Before she could finish speaking, Jian Yue gently held her chin, causing her to tilt her head slightly, and then he kissed her soft lips.


This kiss came too suddenly, and He Luo was completely unprepared. His agile tongue pried open her teeth and sucked, swirling inside her mouth, seemingly savoring the sweetness from her mouth. This deep kiss was provocative, making He Luo’s body instantly go weak.

Fortunately, Jian Yue didn’t linger too long and quickly released the blushing He Luo.

“It is indeed sweet,” Jian Yue lightly stroked his lips, savoring the kiss they just shared.

He Luo couldn’t handle kissing Jian Yue while Lin Yaoyang was present. She was stunned for three seconds, her cheeks burning, unable to speak.

After a moment, He Luo blinked, moved slightly, and only then did she regain some awareness in her body.

“I… I just remembered an important message I need to reply to. I’ll go back first. You guys stay…”

He Luo hurried back to the bedroom without even checking her phone. She moved quickly, not even feeling the slightest pain in her ankle.

Jian Yue watched her hurriedly fleeing figure with a slight smile playing on his lips.


“Brother Jian Yue, I’ll go back to the shop to be busy too.”

Lin Yaoyang stood up from the sofa. Inside, his heart was crying in a storm.

Ah, why did this happen from just eating a grape!

Why did it have to turn into such a mess!


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