Heartfelt Sniper (PY to Official Relationship, High H)

Chapter 17

Throughout the entire night, He Luo slept deeply and peacefully. When she opened her eyes and saw the morning light streaming in through the window, she almost thought last night was a dream. The bed was empty, and there was no one beside her. She felt a bit confused. Could a dream feel so real?

But soon, the fiery pain between her legs reminded her—it wasn’t a dream, it was real!

Jian Yue’s big cock had been grinding at the entrance of her pussy, and he had ejaculated too. The memories of last night gradually became clearer to He Luo. It was all a bit chaotic for her because so many things had happened in haste. Jian Yue had left quietly after she fell asleep. She searched her memories but could only recall one thing vividly—Jian Yue was really good at moaning…

“Are you awake? I bought breakfast for you.”

Just as she remembered Jian Yue, she received a voice message from him.


Seeing the word “breakfast,” He Luo’s stomach rumbled with hunger. She replied with a touched expression, “Jian Yue, you’re so kind. How did you know I was hungry? Sob sob~”

“I expect compensation.”

Jian Yue added, “Excluding money.”

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Rv pllxle zkjl Tl Nws wdelapvsse bkp wdprsjld xlydkdt. Fbl zssjle yv bla rbsdl pnalld, bla nblljp pzktbvzu qzwpble.

Ms qynkzkvyvl ldvau yde lmkv qsa xshkdt vbkdtp, Tl Nws’p essa oyp zlqv srld. Flhlayz osajlap olal cwpu kd vbl jkvnbld. Vlabyrp vbl dskpl oyp vss zswe; ds sdl dsvknle Kkyd Zwl ldvlakdt okvb calyjqypv.

“Tlu, Nys Nk, eke usw pll vbyv qlxyzl bsxlsodla obs caswtbv wp qawkv ulpvlaeyu?”

“R pyo bla. Ebyv ycswv bla?”

“Ebld pbl oyzjle shla vs tkhl wp vbl qawkv, bla vkvp olal pokdtkdt, ps ckt yde obkvl.”

“Mpj, bso es usw jdso vblu’al obkvl obld usw’al zssjkdt vbaswtb nzsvblp?”

“Zsw nyd vlzz vblu’al elqkdkvlzu obkvl fwpv cu pllkdt bla lmrsple zltp.”

Mbl vos osajlap nbyvvle okvb lynb svbla, yde yv vbkp rskdv, vblu csvb jdsokdtzu pxkzle.

The chubby-faced man had just finished speaking when he suddenly felt darkness engulfing him. He was kicked in the back and fell face-first into a pile of sand.


“Ptui ptui!” He spat out a mouthful of sand. Before he could get up, Jian Yue stepped on him, pinning him down firmly.

The force was so great that he couldn’t struggle at all.

“Hey, buddy, why did you hit someone without talking first?!”

“Come, talk to me nicely. What did you see?” Jian Yue’s tone was calm but chilling.

The chubby-faced man suddenly realized that his own words had provoked this situation. Seeing Jian Yue’s tall figure, he hurriedly smiled and said, “It’s a misunderstanding. We were just joking privately. We didn’t mean anything else…”

Jian Yue remained expressionless. “Get lost today. Don’t let me say it a second time.”

However calm his tone, it sent shivers down people’s spines.

Hearing the commotion, the foreman hurried over and, after understanding the situation, felt embarrassed. After all, they were in the wrong, but the situation didn’t escalate, and apologies were quickly offered to Jian Yue. “I’m really sorry. I’ll arrange for someone else to come over immediately. We’ll make sure such incidents never happen again in the future.”

He Luo was in the bathroom washing up and didn’t notice this little incident. When she pushed open the door and saw Jian Yue, she had a happy smile on her face. But upon closer inspection, Jian Yue looked cold, as if he wasn’t very pleased.

There was a lot of dust in the living room. He Luo ate the breakfast Jian Yue had brought her in her room, feeling that something was off.

Jian Yue stood at the doorway, smoking a cigarette, waiting for her to finish eating before he walked in and closed the door behind him.

“Come here.”


He Luo looked puzzled as she stood in front of him, feeling a bit uneasy. “What’s wrong?”

He grabbed the back of her head, leaned down, and kissed her lips. He caught her off guard, prying open her teeth, and the kiss tasted of tobacco.

After entangling for a while and parting, He Luo’s chest rose and fell slightly. Why did she feel like she had gained something when she looked at Jian Yue’s handsome face?…

“This is the reward I wanted.”

“Luo Luo.”


Jian Yue said, “I have a vacant room. Come stay there for a few days until everything here is ready, then move back.”

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