He Confessed in the Backlight

Chapter 67

Ruan Nianchu made the most important and correct decision of her life.

The next day, accompanied by Li Teng, she returned home and solemnly informed her parents of this decision. Mr. and Mrs. Ruan were already pleased with Li Teng, considering him a well-mannered and responsible young man. They believed their daughter was fortunate to have someone like him.

This marriage was eagerly anticipated by all. Mr. and Mrs. Ruan readily agreed.

Around noon, Mrs. Ruan enthusiastically invited them to stay for lunch, smiling as she said, “Since you’re here, stay for lunch before leaving.” She then looked at the refrigerator and frowned, “Oh dear, I forgot to buy groceries yesterday.”

Li Teng stood up and smiled, “Auntie, Uncle, what would you like to eat? I can go buy it.”


“No, no, you rest. Nianchu and I will go. The market is just a few steps away.” Mrs. Ruan’s face lit up with a smile. “By the way, Li Teng, do you play chess?”

Li Teng replied, “I know a bit of Chinese chess.”

“That’s perfect,” Mrs. Ruan turned to Mr. Ruan, saying, “Didn’t you always complain that Old Liu and his friends weren’t challenging enough? Let Li Teng play with you for a while. Nianchu and I will buy some meat and fish.”

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Ya. Swyd oyp elzktbvle, iwknjzu rwvvkdt esod bkp dlopryrla yde plvvkdt wr vbl nblppcsyae. Tl kdhkvle Nk Mldt, “Usxl, Nk Mldt, zlv’p rzyu y qlo aswdep.”

Nk Mldt pxkzle zktbvzu, “Gzaktbv.”

Swyd Lkydnbw vbld ynnsxrydkle bla xsvbla vs vbl xyajlv.

Mbl xyajlv oyp fwpv ynaspp vbl pvallv qasx vbl ldvaydnl sq vblka alpkeldvkyz yaly, y qkhl-xkdwvl oyzj. Mbl xsvbla yde eywtbvla pzsozu casople vbl pvyzzp, byttzkdt shla hltlvyczlp yde rsaj yxkepv vbl hldesap’ pbswvp.

Yap. Swyd pvsrrle vs rknj psxl clzz rlrrlap yde nlzlau. Tyzqoyu vbaswtb, pbl alxlxclale psxlvbkdt yde ypjle, “Ju vbl oyu, Lkydnbw, Nk Mldt kp kd vbl xkzkvyau. Rpd’v vbl rasnlewal qsa usw vos vs tlv xyaakle iwkvl nsxrzknyvle?”

Swyd Lkydnbw nypwyzzu alrzkle, “El dlle vs pwcxkv y xyaakytl yrrzknyvksd vs bkp wdkv yde tlv yd kdvasewnvksd zlvvla clqsal ol nyd tlv vbl xyaakytl nlavkqknyvl.”

Yap. Swyd dseele, “Ebld es usw vos rzyd vs pvyav vbkp rasnlpp?”

“El’zz oykv y ckv zsdtla.”

“Wait?” Mrs. Ruan tapped Ruan Nianchu’s head with her finger, muttering, “It’s already November, and you’ll be twenty-six next year. Before, it was understandable if you hadn’t found the right person, but now, with such a good match in front of you, what are you waiting for?”


“I mean Li Teng has been busy lately. We’ll probably start after he’s done with his current tasks.” Ruan Nianchu rubbed her head, “Why are you more anxious than I am?”

Mrs. Ruan glared at her, “It’s like the eunuch is more anxious than the emperor. Men are like flowers at forty, but women are like tofu dregs at thirty. If you want to keep Li Teng, you must have a marriage certificate. Understand?”

In Mrs. Ruan’s mind, although her daughter wasn’t bad, she felt marrying Li Teng was somewhat of a catch. Li Teng was exceptional, and it was easy to imagine that many women liked him. Dating was unreliable; only legal marriage provided the strongest assurance and protection.

Ruan Nianchu listened to her mother’s words without much response.

The older generation often equated “marriage” with “shackles,” a notion she never agreed with. To her, marriage was simply an elevation of a relationship, a natural progression when feelings reached a certain depth, never a tool to “tie down” the other person.

Seeing Ruan Nianchu remain silent, her mother frowned slightly. “I’m talking to you. Did you hear me?”

“Yes, I heard you,” Ruan Nianchu replied lazily.

“Did you understand what I said?”

“I understand what you mean,” Ruan Nianchu picked up a tomato and weighed it in her hand, “but I don’t think you’re right.”

“Where am I wrong?” Mrs. Ruan said seriously, “Girl, let me tell you, your mother is fifty years old and has crossed more bridges than you’ve walked roads. You young people love talking about love—you love me, I love you—but do you know those are just words? Empty words that can change at any time.”

After speaking, Mrs. Ruan gave Ruan Nianchu two examples.

The first example was of a colleague’s daughter. The girl had been dating her boyfriend for five years, their relationship stable, and they were discussing marriage. But suddenly, a third party interfered, and the man broke up with the girl, claiming he had found his true love and didn’t want to waste her future. The girl, heartbroken and now thirty, remains single.


The second example was Ruan Nianchu’s cousin. Her cousin and her husband were introduced by their parents. The husband was a deputy general manager at a state-owned enterprise, well-off, and highly capable. Before and after marriage, he was surrounded by women. However, no matter what he did outside, he always returned to her cousin, claiming his flings were just for fun and that his cousin was his legally wedded wife, with a home and children.

“This shows how important that marriage certificate is,” Mrs. Ruan said, adding a moment later, “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not doubting Li Teng’s character. But Nianchu, better safe than sorry. The future is uncertain, and I don’t want you to suffer.”

Ruan Nianchu responded, “Mom, didn’t you notice? Compared to my cousin, your colleague’s daughter is much luckier.”

Mrs. Ruan was momentarily stunned.

“And the examples you gave will never happen to me,” Ruan Nianchu shrugged.

Mrs. Ruan, helpless against her daughter’s seemingly lazy but internally resolute nature, teased, “Really? Do you believe that your Li Teng will love you forever?”

Ruan Nianchu smiled, “Yes, I believe.”

In this world, human hearts are fickle, and temptations are many. True, pure love is rare, but rare doesn’t mean nonexistent.

Ruan Nianchu was sure that the person who would overcome all obstacles to return to her, even after years apart, was destined to be hers.

The lunch was very pleasant.

Mrs. Ruan prepared a table full of dishes—chicken, fish, and Ruan Nianchu’s favorite glutinous rice ribs. Having not tasted her mother’s cooking for a long time, Ruan Nianchu ate heartily, finishing two large bowls of rice. When they left, her belly was so full it looked like a round ball, and she was out of breath from walking.

Li Teng found it amusing and a bit concerning, so he accompanied her on a walk along the river to help her digest.


“My stomach is so full… It feels like it’s going to burst,” Ruan Nianchu muttered with a frown. Seeing a bench nearby, she quickly sat down, “I need to rest.”

“Look at you, eating so much,” Li Teng said softly, opening a bottle of mineral water and offering it to her. “Anyone would think you were starved at my place.”

“I’m not thirsty right now,” Ruan Nianchu pushed the water away, then, after a moment of serious thought, said, “Li Teng, I need to tell you something, but you have to promise not to get mad or look stern.”

He raised an eyebrow, “What is it?”

Ruan Nianchu looked a bit hesitant but serious, “Your cooking, compared to my mom’s, is actually… not very good.”

Li Teng squinted and pinched her cheek, “You don’t know how to cook, yet you dare to complain about your man’s cooking?”

After a few seconds of serious thought, Ruan Nianchu said, “Actually, it’s not your fault. It’s just that my mom is too good at cooking.” Comparisons can be harmful.

He nodded, his expression calm, “Next time, I’ll learn a few tricks from Auntie.”

“…,” Ruan Nianchu burst out laughing, incredulous. “Are you crazy? A high-ranking officer going to his mother-in-law to learn how to cook, aren’t you afraid people will laugh at you?”

Li Teng replied nonchalantly, “I’m learning to cook to take care of my wife. Such an honorable thing, who would dare laugh?”

She smiled lightly and pinched his nose, “When did your mouth become so smooth?”

He caught her hand and kissed it, “Just stating the facts.”


Ruan Nianchu blushed slightly and gently pulled her hand back, then stood up, remembering something, “By the way, did you win against my dad in chess today?”

Li Teng answered, “I lost.”

She raised an eyebrow, “On purpose?”

Li Teng remained silent.

Ruan Nianchu said, “I forgot to tell you before I left, my dad is petty. Losing a game of chess would make him sulk for half a day. I was going to ask you to let him win.”

He laughed, “Do I need you to teach me that?”

“Apparently not,” she laughed as well, casually asking while walking, “Do you have something to do this afternoon?”

Li Teng said, “Yes.”

Ruan Nianchu’s heart sank a little. She turned to look at him, “Do you have to go out?”

“The matter can be handled at home,” Li Teng replied.

She asked, puzzled, “What matter?”

Li Teng took her hand and smiled, “Filling out the marriage application form. With you.”

The procedure for a soldier to get married is indeed more complicated than for ordinary people. First, they need to submit a marriage application to their unit, which requires step-by-step approval. After that, both parties must fill out a marriage application form, undergo a premarital medical examination, and submit the forms and the medical reports to the unit. Only then can they get an introduction letter to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register the marriage.

Back at home, Li Teng took out two application forms, placing one in front of Ruan Nianchu and one in front of himself, saying calmly, “Fill it out.”

He began writing.

The person beside him stared blankly at the application form, not moving for a long time.

Li Teng noticed and, after watching her for a while, said, “Don’t know how to hold a pen?”

“…I do,” she snapped out of her daze, picked up the black pen next to her, and held it in her hand. Still, she hesitated to write.

Li Teng pointed directly at a blank space with his index finger, “Here, write your name.”

“…Okay,” Ruan Nianchu nodded. The pen trembled as she wrote, each stroke of her three-character name looked like it was written by a primary school student.

He watched her, then pointed to the next blank, “Fill in your date of birth.”

“…Okay,” she nodded again and continued writing, her pen still trembling. Her heart started beating faster and faster.

After a long while, under Li Teng’s guidance, Ruan Nianchu finally filled out her form neatly and completely.

Li Teng filled out his form in less than three minutes. Then, he gathered both application forms.

Ruan Nianchu, gripping the pen, sat in her chair feeling extremely nervous and uneasy, like a student whose test paper had just been collected by the teacher. Suddenly, she exclaimed, “Wait!”

“…,” Li Teng paused and looked up, “What is it?”

She cleared her throat and stammered a bit, “Give me back that form. I want to check if I made any mistakes.”

Li Teng chuckled, “What, is this a final exam? You need to check it?”

“My hands were shaking. I’m afraid I might have even written my name wrong,” Ruan Nianchu mumbled, blushing. She was really nervous when filling out the form earlier, her heart almost jumping out of her throat.

Li Teng glanced at her form and said, “I checked it for you, no mistakes.”

Still uneasy, Ruan Nianchu wanted to verify it herself. She stood up and tried to grab it, “I really need to check it, give it back…”

Li Teng raised his right hand to a height she couldn’t reach even if she jumped. Narrowing his eyes, he looked down at her, “What’s there to check? It’s too late to back out now.”

“I’m not trying to back out…” She frowned, “I’m really afraid I made a mistake.” With that, she jumped even higher.

Unexpectedly, she tripped on the chair. Losing her balance, she fell right into his arms with lightning speed.

Li Teng naturally wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. He whispered, “It’s just filling out a form, why so nervous?”

“This isn’t just any form,” Ruan Nianchu’s face was hot. Filling out and submitting this form meant she would change from an unmarried girl to a married woman. She asked, “Aren’t you nervous?”

Li Teng brushed his nose against hers, “What do you think?”

She leaned back a little, staring into his calm and handsome face, her bright eyes fixed on him, “I guess, you’re definitely more nervous than I am.”

Li Teng scoffed, “Nonsense.”

“You are very nervous.”

“No, I’m not.”

“You…” She persisted, but Li Teng silenced her with a kiss.

She wasn’t wrong. He was indeed very nervous and excited. He had waited for this moment for seven years. Only heaven knew how happy he was, nearly to the point of madness.


That night, after taking a bath, Ruan Nianchu lay in bed looking at her phone. She opened WeChat and absentmindedly scrolled through her contact list. Li Teng’s WeChat account, named “0714,” was still at the very end of her contacts.

She clicked on his profile and entered his Moments.

It was completely empty, nothing posted, looking clean and cold.

“Why don’t you post anything in your Moments?” Ruan Nianchu asked Li Teng, who had just come out of the bathroom.

“I don’t want to,” Li Teng responded flatly. He bent over, sat beside her, and fed her some fruit.

Ruan Nianchu was a bit speechless. She showed him her phone, “Look, your profile picture is just black, your nickname is a random string of numbers, and you don’t post anything in your Moments… Don’t your WeChat friends ever complain?”

Li Teng’s face remained expressionless, “I don’t use WeChat much. I only have two friends on it.”

She was stunned, “…Two friends?”

Li Teng nodded, “One is you, and the other is Liu Xuemei.”

“…” Ruan Nianchu’s jaw dropped. “Isn’t Liu Xuemei that friend of my mom’s who loves matchmaking? How do you have Aunt Liu’s WeChat?”

He fed her the last piece of fruit.

Li Teng then lifted the blanket, got into bed, snuggled close to her, and wrapped his arms tightly around her slim waist from behind. Closing his eyes, he pressed his lips to her earlobe, “Otherwise, how could we have had a blind date?”

Ruan Nianchu’s mind went blank.

Their blind date?

That’s right. She had always felt something was off. Li Teng’s hometown was in Zhangbei, and when they had their blind date, he had only been transferred to Yun City for a little over a month. There was no way Aunt Liu, who had no connection to him, would introduce him for a blind date with her.

After a few seconds of thought, Ruan Nianchu finally realized. She turned to face him, astonished, “…Before, you were the one who approached Aunt Liu?”

Li Teng’s fingers gently stroked her cheek. “The day you broke up with your ex-boyfriend, we were eating at the same restaurant.”

“…” She was surprised, and in a few seconds, she remembered the familiar figure she had glimpsed in the Western restaurant that day. But at that time, she had thought it was just her imagination.

“Before that day, I thought we would never see each other again in this life.” Li Teng’s lips lightly pressed against her brow, his voice low and soft.

“So you found Aunt Liu and asked her to set up a blind date with me?” She found it hard to believe. “What did you tell Aunt Liu?”

“I told her I had a long-standing crush on you and wanted to pursue you.” She could feel his lips gently moving against the skin of her brow, tickling her. “She agreed.”

She frowned, recalling something else, “…Then, the ‘coincidental’ meeting in the garden at the PLA Art Palace before the benefit concert?”

“Yes. I did that on purpose,” Li Teng admitted straightforwardly.

“Oh my God…” Ruan Nianchu struggled to process this revelation, her jaw dropping. “Now I understand what ‘meticulous and calculated’ really means. You had your sights set on me from the very beginning.”

He was so strategic, so intelligent, his IQ practically crushing her into oblivion.

Li Teng lightly nibbled her cheek, whispering, “Without taking some action, how could I marry you?”

She pouted, “You’re too scary. I’m so dumb; if you ever sold me, I’d probably naively help you count the money.”

He pinched her chin gently, “How could I bear to do that?”

Sansukini: Li Teng is so scheming.

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sansukini [Translator]

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  1. mamaBear01

    She finally realizes that this was all within his calculations 😆 yes, good luck in your marriage now, Nianchu!

    1. sansukini
      sansukini [Translator]

      It’s quite cute, imo. For sure, he didn’t expect to see her again, but I guess he can’t forget her side boobies after all those years. Hahaha.