Casting Nets to Catch a Husband

Chapter 105: Ask a matchmaker

Hongdu Prefecture, with its water and land routes traversing all directions, is a crucial transportation hub connecting the river and the sea. It serves as the root of the Jiangyou merchants.

Unlike the fame of Zhejiang for silk, the Jiangyou Merchant Guild, one of the three major commercial guilds in Daqing, has an extensive business scope. Due to the unique geographical advantages of Hongdu Prefecture, the bustling scenes along the river are no less than those in Zhejiang.

For Lu Chengxiao and the others, this was their first time entering Hongdu’s territory. Standing at the bow of the ship, they saw a bustling scene of merchant ships lined up along the river for several kilometers.

There are thirty-eight docks in the area. The destination of Lu Chengxiao and his companions on this trip is the headquarters of the Jiangyou Merchant Guildā€”the Guangrun Gate Dock. This place is one of the three major commercial centers in Daqing, and it’s where Lu Chengxiao has always wanted to visit.

From both his father and adoptive father, Lu Chengxiao had heard the saying, “Goods pour out of the Guangrun Gate.” Porcelain, summer cloth, silk, spices, and many other goods passed through this gate daily.


Because of their experience in Zhejiang, everything was handled skillfully. However, unlike Zhejiang, taxes here are collected at the gates. They first found a warehouse near the dock, paid the ship fare, and planned to leave Liu Yanan and the others to watch over the goods while Lu Chengxiao and Liu Yanping went into the city to find buyers.

But before they could go in search of buyers, buyers had already found them. In Hongdu Prefecture, silk was highly popular. While there were many silk merchants in the city, not all of them dared to venture alone to purchase silk. Instead, they mostly waited at the docks to inspect and negotiate prices when silk was brought into the city.

This business unexpectedly started right in the warehouses near the dock. There were more than one inquiring about prices. Most of these people were running cloth shops in the cloth distribution center in Hongdu City. They could afford large quantities and bought raw silk to dye and sell, making about ten percent more profit than buying from cloth merchants directly. Especially during the season for autumn cloth, there were many buyers, and raw silk was almost snatched up as soon as it entered the city.

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Nw Ubldtmkys yde bkp nsxrydksdp byp fwpv shla 300 aszzp sq pkzj ps kv oyp lypu qsa y pxyzz nzsvb pbsr vs vyjl vblx yzz. Mblu wpwyzzu cswtbv vblx qsa 850 nskdp, cwv vbl bktblpv cke oyp 380 nskdp, vsvyzkdt 761 vylzp. Ebld Nw Ubldtmkys yde vbl svblap cswtbv vblpl 320 aszzp sq nzsvb, vblu prldv 592 vylzp, xyjkdt y rasqkv sq 169 vylzp.

Nw Ubldtmkys yde Nkw Zydrkdt rwanbyple 22 aszzp sq bktb-iwyzkvu ayo pkzj rwanbyple qasx vbl Ubldt qyxkzu. Jwv ewl vs vbl pxyzz iwydvkvu, vbl nzsvb pbsrp cyatykdle vs zsola vbl raknl, sqqlakdt 2 vylzp yde 8 ikyd rla aszz, alpwzvkdt kd y rasqkv sq 13 vylzp rla aszz.

Gqvla psxl nyznwzyvksdp, vblu alyzkgle vblu oswze xyjl y rasqkv sq xsal vbyd 180 vylzp qasx vbl 340 aszzp sq ayo pkzj vblu bye nszzlnvle kd vbl xswdvykdp sq Ewmkdt. Plewnvkdt vbl pbkr qyal yde vbl qynv vbyv vblu bye dsv ulv ldvlale Qwydtawd Qyvl, vblu eke dsv dlle vs ryu tyvl vymlp. Mbkp vaydpynvksd oyp kdelle rasqkvyczl, pyhkdt vblx plhlayz eyup sq eulkdt vkxl.

Gqvla y caklq ekpnwppksd, vblu ytalle. Mbl nzsvb xlanbydv oyp shlafsule yde ryke y elrspkv qkapv clqsal tskdt cynj vs nyzz bkp blzrlap vs kdprlnv vbl tssep, vaydprsav vblx, yde ryu vbl qkdyz ryuxldv.

Ekvb 823 vylzp, elewnvkdt vbl pbkr qyal, rzwp vbl dlyazu 100 vylzp zlqv shla qasx clqsal, vblu bye caswtbv 300 vylzp sq nyrkvyz obld vblu zlqv. Nkd Twyktldt yde Nkw Hbydt lynb bye 20 vylzp, yde vbl Nkw casvblap bye csaasole 200 vylzp vs cwu nzsvb, 65 vylzp sq nyrkvyz. Ju vbl alvwad fswadlu, yqvla vos vaydpynvksdp, vblu bye lyadle xsal vbyd 900 vylzp.

Xhla 900 vylzp, psxlvbkdt vblu byed’v lhld eyale vs ealyx sq obld vblu plv sqq okvb 600 vylzp. Lso vblu bye xsal vbyd dkdl bwdeale vylzp yqvla sdl aswde vakr.

Gv vbkp rskdv, Nw Ubldtmkys bye qswa bwdeale yde vbkavu vylzp kd bkp bydep, Nkw Zydrkdt bye vball bwdeale yde dkdlvu-qkhl vylzp, Nkd Twyktldt bye qsavu-vball vylzp zlqv, Nkw Hbydt bye vbkavu-pkm vylzp, yde vblal olal qkhl vylzp vbyv Nw Ubldtmkys bye tkhld yp tkqvp. Mbkp nswze cl nsdpkelale y talyv byahlpv.

“Lso obyv? Gal ol tskdt cynj vs Zwydgbsw?” Nkd Twyktldt oyp y ckv lmnkvle. Tl bye lyadle voldvu-vball vylzp kd y xsdvb yde nswzed’v oykv vs pbyal vbkp okvb bkp qyxkzu yde okvb Hbsw Swuk.

Liu Yanping chuckled, “How can we not enter the city after reaching the capital? Let’s go in and take a look. We’ll learn something new.”


Liu Yanping had no interest in the Tengwang Pavilion, a must-visit for scholars and poets, but was full of longing for the commercial center famous throughout Daqing. Lu Chengxiao felt the same way. Lin Huaigeng then scratched his head with a smile and said, “I’m so happy I’m acting silly.”

Liu Yanping smiled and gave them a reminder, “Keep your money safe and stay alert. After all the hard work, don’t let it go to waste at the last moment.”

Then they all headed towards Guangrun Gate together, showed their travel permits, and entered the city.

The wealth of the capital city was beyond the imagination of these young men, who had only seen Yuanzhou City. Lin Huaigeng and Liu Zhang were better off, having traveled to some places over the years. However, Lu Chengxiao had mostly stayed in Yuanzhou City, so this was his first time in the capital. As for the Liu brothers, everything they saw was new and exciting.

With several hundred taels of fresh silver in their hands, all earned from selling cloth, the main attraction as they strolled through the city was the cloth shops.

The cloth shops in Fucheng.

These were large shops with two floors and six sections, filled with luxurious fabrics that were breathtaking at first sight.

Places like cloth shops were rarely visited by men, but none of the six could resist. Lu Chengxiao was relatively composed, as his family was in this business, so he was more interested in comparing the cloth shops in the city with those in Anyi County. However, for Liu Yanping and the others, their eyes were fixed on the various fabrics displayed on the shelves, especially when they saw summer cloth and silk, they couldn’t help but ask about the prices.

After a round inside, everyone’s eyes were wide with amazement.

Looking at the cloth shop, Liu Yanping murmured, “Chengxiao, Cao Jinian’s family runs more than a dozen tea shops. The tea he brings back from Fujian is sold at market price. If we could also afford to open a dozen cloth shops, have our own source of goods, and sell them directly at market price without intermediaries, imagine the profit. Just think about the silk we brought back, the profit is more than double, almost triple. Cloth is like this, and tea, and probably other goods too.”

The raw silk they usually bought for 850 wen was sold for over 5 taels per roll after dyeing.

Standing on the street, Liu Yanping watched as the cart full of cloth came out of the side entrance of the large cloth shop they had just visited, and he was already yearning for it.


Lu Chengxiao also looked at the cloth shop, but he was watching the direction from which the cloth was coming out of the shop’s side door. He said, “Yes, when we have enough capital, I also want to open a large cloth shop and have branches of our family’s Lufeng Cloth Shop all over Yuanzhou.”

Lin Huaigeng and Liu Zhang exchanged glances, then looked at the cloth shop. Such big dreams were beyond their daring.

But Liu Yanping already had a plan in mind. “You open a cloth shop, and my family specializes in making clothes, so the Liu family will fill Yuanzhou with embroidery shops!”

With these two young men talking like this, they all turned their eyes away from the cloth shop and smiled at each other. They raised their hands and slapped each other’s palms. “Alright, let’s open a cloth shop and an embroidery shop. Within ten years, we’ll dominate half of Yuanzhou.”

This bold statement was partly a vision and partly a joke, but at this moment, both of them were so excited that they even had the urge to return to Anyi County to try their luck.

This urge might have passed if it had been just one of them, but now that they both felt it, they also started thinking about their families. They suddenly felt a strong desire to return home.

Liu Yanping looked at Lu Chengxiao and the others and asked, “Why not return now?”

Lin Huaigeng and Liu Zhang had no objections. They had seen enough; it was good to broaden their horizons. Staying longer meant more expenses on food and lodging, so they nodded in agreement.

However, Lu Chengxiao looked towards the street until he spotted a silver shop in the distance. Then he smiled and said to Liu Yanping and the others, “Wait for me here; I’ll buy something and be right back.”

With that, he quickly headed towards the silver shop.

Liu Yanping and the others didn’t know where he was going at first, but when they saw him entering the silver shop, they suddenly understood. The two brothers also wanted to buy some gifts for their mother and sister to bring back. They felt it wouldn’t be right to return empty-handed after such a journey.

However, even though they had three hundred and ninety-five taels of silver in hand, two hundred taels had to be paid to the villagers for buying cloth, leaving only one hundred and ninety-five taels. Both brothers were thinking about the idea of opening an embroidery shop in the county, so they hesitated to spend any money.


Liu Zhang didn’t think too much about it, but Lin Huaigeng had second thoughts. After earning more than twenty taels on this trip, he couldn’t afford expensive things, but it was always good to buy something small for his cousin with one or two taels of silver. He gritted his teeth, told Liu Yanping and the others, and went to the silver shop.

When Lin Huaigeng arrived at the silver shop, Lu Chengxiao was still picking out items. He looked over and saw that gold and jade were beyond his means. After discussing with the attendant, he decided to choose a small silver ornament and went to the counter where silver jewelry was sold.

Although they arrived at the silver shop one after the other, they both finished their purchases almost at the same time. After paying the silver, they collected their items without asking what they bought and went out together.

After inquiring about which dock was convenient to hire a ship to return to Yuan Prefecture, they left the city. On the way, they bought some food and hired a boat to return to Anyi County.

They departed on May 29th and returned to the territory of Anyi County in early July.

The boat first arrived at the dock in Xifeng Town. Liu Yanping and Liu Yanan began to pack their luggage to disembark. Lu Chengxiao secretly wanted to follow them ashore and visit the Liu family, but considering the dusty journey they had been through, he cared about his image in front of Liu Yu and decided to accompany them to the dock. He said to Liu Yanping, “Tell Yu’er that I’ll go see her tomorrow.”

This cheesy line made Liu Yanping want to laugh. Lu Chengxiao was shrewd outside, but when it came to his sister, he was like this. Liu Yanping patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, “Alright, I’ll pass on your message.”

With a wave of his hand, Lu Chengxiao bid farewell without any reluctance. With nearly four hundred taels in his arms, the two brothers couldn’t wait to see the expressions on their mother and sister’s faces when they saw so much silver.

Lu Chengxiao could only envy them. As he watched the two brothers walk away briskly, he returned to the boat. He let the boatmen untie the ropes and continued on to Anyi County.

As they were about to reach the dock in the county, Babao began to pick up his baggage. Lu Chengxiao took it from him and left only Babao’s luggage and the two bows and arrows. He said, “I’ll just go back to the cloth shop. You go back to Changfeng Town with Huaigeng and the others.”

Babao: “Why?”

Lin Huaigeng and Liu Zhang also looked at Lu Chengxiao, thinking that Lu Chengxiao might not trust them with the silver. Together, they had eighty taels, but when they looked at the boatmen, they felt that the two of them wouldn’t encounter any trouble. Even if they did, they could handle it.


But before they could politely decline, they heard Lu Chengxiao say to Babao, “Go back and tell my mother to prepare gifts tonight, and tomorrow morning, invite the matchmaker to propose marriage in Yangshan Village.”

He was going to see Liu Yu tomorrow. Since Liu Yu had agreed before, he could propose as soon as he returned. Lu Chengxiao didn’t want to delay it for a day.

With a face full of smiles, overflowing with happiness.

Lin Huaigeng: I’m thinking too much.

But Liu Zhang and Lin Huaigeng also smiled, happy for their friend.

Babao was overjoyed. “Great, I’ll definitely pass on the message.”

Finally, Miss Liu was going to become the third young mistress of their family.

Sansukini: I’m really terrible at Math, usually and I don’t know how ancient money work in this era, so I just brush over the numbers because they make me feel so confuse.

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