Amorous Short Stories

LBP Chapters 21-22

Chapter 21

After seeing Ji Huayao’s tears, Jing Lie’s heart began to ache. He frantically pumped into her body a few more times, then after he came inside her, he pulled his c*ck, which was still hard, out of her.  He quickly pulled her into his arms and patted her smooth back. Then, he coaxed her, “Be good… Don’t cry… I was wrong… Don’t be angry at me… Alright?”

Ji Huayao didn’t make a sound. Even her gaze didn’t land on Jing Lie. She was feeling extremely terrible inside. Qin Yang… Even though he managed to keep his life, but his future was over. If it weren’t for Jing Lie, they would definitely be married by now, right? The days had been blissful, but now, it was all over. Not only had she misunderstood Qin Yang, she had even fallen in love with the culprit who caused all this!

“Yaoyao… Tell me what you want… You can even hit me… Just don’t ignore me…” Jing Lie clenched his fists tightly and looked terrified.

Seeing Jing Lie like this, Ji Huayao felt very conflicted. On one hand, she hated him. yet at the same time, she had already developed feelings for him. In the end, she simply closed her eyes. Regardless of how Jing Lie tried to please her, she ignored him.


After a few days of silent treatment by Ji Huayao, Jing Lie ran out of ideas, and eventually suggested taking Ji Huayao to a summer palace to relax. Ji Huayao was indifferent right now. She would just ignore whatever Jing Lie said.

When they reached the summer palace, Jing Lie excitedly took Ji Huayao to the back of the mountain to hunt, saying that he wanted to hunt a snow fox for her to play with.

Jing Lie was riding a horse in front, and Ji Huayao was seated in the carriage behind. The palace maid who was with her would occasionally mention to her how heroic Jing Lie looked outside the carriage.  On the other hand, Ji Huayao wasn’t in a good mood. She simply lay on the pillow like a withered flower.

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Rv oypd’v wdvkz pbl pweeldzu blyae y plaklp sq nsxxsvksd swvpkel vbl nyaakytl vbyv pbl qkdyzzu srldle bla lulp yde ypjle, “Ebyv byrrldle swvpkel?”

Mbl ryzynl xyke zlqv vbl nyaakytl vs ypj ycswv vbl pkvwyvksd, cwv pbl eked’v nsxl cynj qsa y zsdt vkxl. Kk Twyuys qasodle, yde kdpvkdnvkhlzu qlzv vbyv psxlvbkdt cye bye byrrldle. Fbl vbswtbv qsa y xsxldv, rknjle wr bla pjkav, yde tsv swv sq vbl nyaakytl blaplzq.

Bdlmrlnvlezu, psxlsdl rwv y posae sd bla dlnj yp pssd yp pbl tsv swv sq vbl nyaakytl! “Zswa Yyflpvu, nsxl okvb wp!”

Kk Twyuys xktbv byhl clld y zyeu sq y xkzkvyau sqqknla, cwv pbl bye clld ryxrlale cu bla qyvbla yzz bla zkql, ps pbl nlavykdzu eked’v jdso bso vs qktbv. Mbwp, pbl nswze sdzu yzzso vbl yppyppkdp vs jkedyr bla. 

Gv vbl pkel sq vbl nzkqq, Kk Twyuys pyo Kkdt Nkl, obs oyp qsanle kdvs y nsadla. Rv oyp sdzu obld pbl zkpvldle vs vbl nsdhlapyvksd clvolld vbl vos pkelp vbyv pbl qswde swv vbyv vbl rlsrzl yvvynjkdt vblx vseyu olal vbl alxdydv yzzklp sq Kkdt Zw!

Ebld Kkdt Nkl pyo vbyv Kk Twyuys oyp clkdt blze, bkp lmralppksd nswzed’v cl xsal pwzzld. Tl oyadle vbl alclzp, “Nlv bla ts! Rq dsv, R’zz zlv usw ekl okvbswv y cwakyz rzynl!”

“Nlv bla ts? Fwal, Zswa Yyflpvu. Xdzu kq usw rlapsdyzzu pokvnb uswaplzq qsa bla.”

Fllkdt bso pnyale Kk Twyuys oyp, Kkdt Nkl eked’v tkhl vbl twyaep ydu vkxl vs alynv. Tl pvasel iwknjzu swv sq vbl rasvlnvkhl nkanzl. Gv vbkp xsxldv, vblal oyp sdzu Kk Twyuys kd bkp lulp.

When the group of people saw what has happening, they took the opportunity to catch Jing Lie and pushed Ji Huayao away. Ji Huayao fell to the ground. She turned around in disbelief and stared straight at Jing Lie. “Your Majesty… You…”


Jing Lie simply looked behind Ji Huayao and instructed in a deep voice, “Protect the Empress and leave first!”

How could Ji Huayao possibly leave first? Jing Lie was captured because of her. No matter what the palace servants on the side said, Ji Huayao didn’t move a single inch. At this moment, she was even more anxious than before, and her entire back was soaked with perspiration.

“Hmph, since our Empress is willing to stay behind and watch, what else are we waiting for?” After saying that, the rebel stabbed Jing Lie’s chest!

Chapter 22 

Jing Lie was dressed in a set of ivory clothes, and his chest was instantly dyed red!

Amidst the screams, the clashes of swords, and furious roars that filled the air, Ji Huayao ran towards Jing Lie, disregarding everything else. Even she didn’t know that she would actually have such great strength that she could catch Jing Lie!

Ji Huayao held Jing Lie’s hand and her eyes were swollen from crying. She looked at Jing Lie, who was lying on the bed, and only then did she know how afraid she was of losing him. All the things he did to deceive her all became insignificant now that his life was hanging on a thread. 

“Jing Lie… Wake up quickly… I don’t blame you anymore…” As Ji Huayao spoke, she burst into tears again.

However, Jing Lie’s eyes were still closed. His face was as white as a sheet and he didn’t look like he would regain consciousness anytime soon. 

“Imperial Physician, why isn’t His Majesty awake yet?” Three days later, Ji Huayao was extremely worried and kept asking the Imperial Physician. The Imperial Physician was also trembling in fear right now. All he could do was to appease Her Majesty, and say that His Majesty was fine.

“He’s fine? Then why isn’t he awake yet?” Ji Huayao looked haggard and there was a faint shadow under her eyes.


“Yaoyao…” Before the imperial physician could speak, a voice made Ji Huayao turn around abruptly! She even shook her head and realized that it wasn’t an illusion. Then, she shouted in surprise, “Jing Lie! You’re finally awake!”

Jing Lie looked around and asked, “Are we at the summer palace? Are you all right?”

Ji Huayao quickly shook her head with tears in her eyes. “Yes, after you were attacked by the assassins, Commander Wang, who was guarding the summer palace, rushed over with his men and saved us. He also caught some of the assassins. So, I’m fine. I’m completely fine.”

Only then did Jing Lie feel relieved. “That’s good…”

Seeing that Jing Lie was still so concerned about her at this moment, Ji Huayao felt extremely upset. “What about you? Your chest must hurt a lot, right? You’re so stupid. Am I worth you risking your life?”

“Yes, you’re worth it. You’ll always be worth it. I made you sad before. In fact, I didn’t want to do that either, but I like you so much, to the point that I feel like I’m poisoned.” Jing Lie said weakly.

Jing Lie’s outright confession put Ji Huayao at a loss. Thinking of Qin Yang, who was innocently implicated, and the humiliation she suffered when she was r*ped, she added, “…But you can’t do this!”

“Then I swear to you, I won’t do this again, okay? Forgive me, alright?” Jing Lie said anxiously, his pale face abnormally red.

At this moment, Ji Huayao didn’t want to argue with him anymore. She only said, “Then promise me that you won’t cut off Qin Yang’s career. He’ll go as far as he can. You owe him this.”

“Alright, I’ll promise you anything.”

Ji Huayao smiled. This chapter was now closed. “Have a good rest then. I’ll prepare something for you to eat.”

Jing Lie grunted in agreement and fell asleep again. In his dream, he seemed to have returned to his childhood. His mother and him lived in the Cold Palace. Because of the Empress’s deliberate suppression, they lived a life that was even lower than slaves, and were often in danger. They even had to secretly plant some food themselves to fill their stomachs.


At this moment, Ji Huayao appeared. She was like a little fairy, living in his heart with the friendliest smile. The little fairy even told him to wait for her, and that she would come to look for him again. He waited, waited, and waited for a long time, but she didn’t come again.

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dazedcherry [Translator]

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