Little Sea Otter Became Popular


100. Extra Chapter 3

Even after the disbandment of Eleven Girls, their popularity remained high. Although not all members could gather together due to their individual schedules, whenever there was a reunion, it would become a hot topic. Many fans expressed their desire to see the Eleven Girls’ sisters collaborate again, whether it be for commercials or variety shows.

The organizers of “Pick Eleven” quickly saw the business opportunity and decided to create a new variety show called “A Day with the Sisters,” centered around the members of Eleven Girls.

Considering the difficulty of getting all the members back together, the format of the show would primarily involve pre-recorded segments and guest commentary. Each episode would invite guests related to the members and the host to watch pre-recorded VCRs showcasing the members’ daily lives from a fresh perspective.

As the popular member of the group, Qiao Dai naturally received an invitation.


“Can’t we invite the members of Eleven Girls?” Qiao Dai herself had no problem, but she encountered difficulties in selecting guests. She didn’t have any relatives to invite, and most of her friends were fellow members of the group. However, the program required that the guests not be members of Eleven Girls.

The reason was simple. Since the members knew each other well, any member could invite another member as a guest. This would not only lack uniqueness but also potentially cause disputes among the members. Therefore, they were not allowed to invite their teammates as guests.

Ling Na nodded, feeling a bit regretful. The recording of this show was not troublesome at all, and they didn’t even need to go to the studio. They just had to provide the program team with recordings of their work and daily lives, and then the guests and the host would have a chat. Overall, it was a relaxed daily show that could maintain the overall popularity of Eleven Girls.

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Nkdt Ly wdelapvsse Ckys Pyk’p pkvwyvksd yde eked’v oydv vs alxkde bla sq wdrzlypydv xlxsaklp. Fbl pkxrzu nzsple vbl qszela yde pyke okvb nsdnlad, “Tso ycswv R vyzj vs Nw Ykys ycswv vbl pkvwyvksd? Mbl rastayx vlyx okzz wdelapvyde.”

Nw Ykys oyp vbl nszzlnvkhl xydytla yppktdle vs Ozlhld Qkazp yqvla vblka ekpcydexldv. Fbl oyp alprsdpkczl qsa nssaekdyvkdt vblka ynvkhkvklp. Ckys Pyk, yp y pvya obs lxlatle qasx “Vknj Ozlhld,” dyvwayzzu bye vs tkhl qynl vs vbl nsxrydu’p dlo rastayx. Mblu bye clld osajkdt vstlvbla qsa y zsdt vkxl yde clzklhle vbyv Nw Ykys yde vbl svblap oswze wdelapvyde Ckys Pyk’p pkvwyvksd.

Ebld Nkdt Ly nsdvynvle Nw Ykys, Kkydt Wldtnbk byrrldle vs cl kd vbl nsxrydu yp olzz. Tl blyae vbl dlop yde kxxlekyvlzu nyzzle Ckys Pyk.

Gzxspv yzz vbl xlxclap sq Ozlhld Qkazp ryavknkryvle kd vbl alnsaekdt sq vbkp pbso. Mbl xlxclap obs nswzed’v ryavknkryvl bye wdyhskeyczl alypsdp. Rq Ckys Pyk yzsdl alqwple vbl kdhkvyvksd, kv oswzed’v cl y rasczlx qsa vblx, cwv vblu nswzed’v twyaydvll vbyv rlsrzl oswzed’v xyjl wr awxsap. Fs Kkydt Wldtnbk nsdvynvle Ckys Pyk yde sqqlale vs cl bla twlpv, wpkdt vbl keldvkvu sq y qaklde.

“Rv’p sjyu, Mlynbla Kkydt. Rq usw sdzu nsxl yp xu twlpv, kv okzz yqqlnv usw,” Ckys Pyk lmralpple bla tayvkvwel vs Kkydt Wldtnbk cwv elnzkdle bkp blzr, dsv oydvkdt vs cakdt ydu dltyvkhl kxrynv vs bkx clnywpl sq bla sod pkvwyvksd.

Brsd blyakdt Ckys Pyk’p osaep, Kkydt Wldtnbk eked’v pyu xwnb lkvbla. Tl alxykdle pkzldv qsa y xsxldv clqsal prlyjkdt ytykd, “Mbld alxlxcla vs nsxl vs vbl srldkdt nlalxsdu. Rv’p y tlpvwal sq tsseokzz.”

Jlqsal vbl pvyav sq vbl alnsaekdt, vblal oswze cl y ekpnwppksd xllvkdt vs nsdqkax lhlausdl’p pkvwyvksd. Fsxlvkxlp, y pxyzz cydiwlv oswze cl blze vs nlzlcayvl vbl pwnnlpp sq vbl rastayx. Kkydt Wldtnbk oydvle Ckys Pyk vs xyjl yd yrrlyaydnl yv vbl srldkdt nlalxsdu vs ralhldv ydu dltyvkhl dlop ycswv bla yqvla vbl pbso ykale.

Brsd blyakdt Ckys Pyk’p alzymle vsdl, Kkydt Wldtnbk’p kdkvkyz osaaklp olal kdpvydvzu ekprlzzle. Rv pllxle vbyv Ckys Pyk oyp qya pvasdtla vbyd bl bye kxytkdle.

Soon, news of Qiao Dai’s possible absence from “A Day with the Sisters” began to spread online, causing many fans who eagerly anticipated the reunion of Eleven Girls to start lamenting.


【Wuwuwu, are you sure she’s not coming? Is it true? Is it true? Please tell me it’s just a rumor】

【Tonight, we are all heartbroken】

【My heart aches for our adorable Daidai, her teammates from Eleven Girls mean everything to her】

【Don’t kill me, don’t kill me. Just the thought of people starting to criticize Daidai’s poor social skills and conflicts after the show airs makes me burst into tears】

【The program hasn’t even been officially announced yet, maybe there will be a turning point wuwuwu】

【How can nobody love our Daidai when she’s so good?】

【Who says nobody loves our Daidai? I love her!】

【More people, come and love our Daidai quickly!】

The fans were well aware of Qiao Dai’s situation. They knew she didn’t have any relatives to invite. Although she had made friends in the entertainment industry over the past year, the only ones who could be called close friends were the members of Eleven Girls. As for Jiang Fengchi and Tian Langxing, they were male celebrities after all, so even if they had a good relationship in private, it wouldn’t be appropriate for them to help Qiao Dai appear on the show. The rest were like Qiao Dai’s elders, and it would be embarrassing to trouble them. Therefore, Qiao Dai could only regretfully decline the invitation to the show.

Although Qiao Dai had once said that she would be content as long as she had everyone’s company, it was hard for fans not to feel sad when they saw their beloved older sister all alone. They hoped that Qiao Dai could be treated more gently by this world, rather than always being just a lonely individual.

On the day of the opening ceremony, all the members of Eleven Girls, whether participating in the recording or not, gathered at the venue. The ceremony was held outdoors, and the girls stood under the starry sky, taking a group photo, hugging and kissing each other, as if they had just parted yesterday.

“Daidai, it’s okay. We’ll enter together later.”


Before the start of the ceremony, there was a small red carpet event where the members participating in the program would walk the red carpet with their invited guests. Therefore, Lu Miao and the others came over, embracing Qiao Dai’s shoulders and comforting her, “Let’s walk together, sisters.”

Song Yiqi approached, holding a wine glass. The guest she was appearing with on the show was her older brother, so she spoke with less restraint. She smiled and held Qiao Dai’s arm, resting her head against Qiao Dai’s shoulder and said, “Why don’t Daidai join us?”

She looked up at the man in a black suit not far away and smiled, “Let’s consider her our little sister.”

Song Yiqi came from a wealthy family. Her brother was the company’s first heir and, at a young age, was already helping Mr. and Mrs. Song with business matters. He only agreed to participate in the show because of Song Yiqi’s face. Many people were eager to make an impression in front of this young Mr. Song. Now, Song Yiqi said she wanted Qiao Dai to be their little sister, causing jealousy among these people.

Mr. Song was considerably older than Song Yiqi, and as the eldest brother, he naturally cared more. He treated the members of Eleven Girls as young girls, so when he heard what Song Yiqi said, he did not refuse and politely said it was his duty.

“It’s okay.”

Qiao Dai shook her head and gently glanced at her teammates around her. She whispered, “I can be alone.”

Qiao Dai was grateful for her friends’ concern, but she really didn’t mind. Most of the people here today were her best friends. As long as she could spend time with them, it didn’t matter if she didn’t have a partner on the red carpet. Her teachers, friends, and those who liked and supported her were all here. She didn’t need to feel sad.

Since Qiao Dai said so, the others no longer insisted. With the accompaniment of melodious music, the event officially began.

As Qiao Dai watched the members of Eleven Girls walk the red carpet with their family and friends, a faint light began to shine in her eyes, a mixture of envy and anticipation.

“The next guest, let’s welcome Qiao Dai!”

When the host announced Qiao Dai’s name, she took a deep breath, put on a gentle smile, and slowly stepped onto the red carpet.


Flowers spread along the sides of the red carpet, and the night breeze suddenly became brisk, carrying the fragrance of fruits. Above, the beautiful night sky and the sparkling stars greeted her under the flickering lights. Qiao Dai lifted her leg and walked towards the stage.

On the stage stood her Eleven Girls teammates, everyone eagerly watching her, welcoming her arrival.

At that moment, footsteps suddenly came from behind her. She turned her head and saw Jiang Fengchi and Tian Langxing walking up together, standing on either side of her.

“Teacher Jiang, Teacher Tian?”

Qiao Dai’s gaze froze, her dark and bright eyes shimmering under the lights, as if there were ripples of water. Before she could speak, she saw Jiang Fengchi reach out his hand to her, and Tian Langxing, with his carefree demeanor, nodded and smiled at her, “Now you owe me another favor.”

Although the opening ceremony of the event was not officially live-streamed, many invited media and guests were conducting live broadcasts on their personal accounts. When Jiang Fengchi and Tian Langxing appeared on the red carpet, the barrage suddenly became dense.

“Ah, Jiang Laoshi and Langxing Laoshi are so handsome!”

“I’m about to burst into tears!”

“I wish Jiang Laoshi and Langxing Laoshi could accompany me on the red carpet too!”

Qiao Dai suddenly felt her eyes welling up, but she didn’t know what to say. She could only nod, gently lower her head, and try to conceal the shimmering tears in her eyes.

The red carpet of the event was arranged in an L-shape. When Jiang Fengchi and Lang Xing escorted Qiao Dai to the corner, they suddenly stopped.

“Qiao Dai.”


Qiao Dai was slightly taken aback. She turned her head on the red carpet and saw Cheng Su approaching from the crowd. He stepped onto the red carpet, stood in front of Qiao Dai, and looked straight into her eyes.

“Next, I’ll accompany you.”

Cheng Su said, reaching out his hand to Qiao Dai.

Lang Xing smiled and stepped aside, while Jiang Fengchi, standing on Qiao Dai’s left, gentlemanly handed Qiao Dai’s left hand to Cheng Su. It was evident that they were aware of Cheng Su’s presence.

“What’s going on?”

“Who is this?”

“!!! Isn’t this CEO Cheng? Why is he here?”

“Sisters, I suddenly have a pink feeling…”

“??? When I saw Jiang Laoshi handing Qiao Dai’s hand to CEO Cheng, I had a momentary vision of a wedding scene, with the father handing his daughter’s hand to the groom?!”


Qiao Dai’s eyes were already red. She looked up at Cheng Su, her voice trembling slightly, “Why did you come?”

Cheng Su came, he really came.

Thinking this, Qiao Dai suddenly felt a bit embarrassed.

Actually, in the last second before stepping onto the red carpet, she couldn’t help but wonder: Would Cheng Su come? After all, even though they were together now, they hadn’t made it public. But even so, he still came.

Cheng Su gently held Qiao Dai’s hand and spoke, “I promised that I would come and be your family.”

He would come to be her family.

So, of course, he wouldn’t leave her alone here.

The barrage exploded in an instant.

Family? Did they understand what that meant!

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EA [Translator]

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