The Girl Who Snuck into an All-Male School

196. I can’t do it myself (Slight H)

“Brother.” Yan Shi called Yan Yu in a small voice. That little shame that still remained in her made Yan Shi want to pull out her fingers from her small hole. But this was just a thought, Yan Shi’s fingers didn’t move at all.

The pinkish flower lips clamped around her fingers like a small mouth, swallowing them. The shiny l*wd fluids were like honey that reflected an alluring glow.

Yan Yu didn’t look at Yan Shi’s body. He bent down to look at Yan Shi’s eyes, then he said: “I don’t want to interfere with your life, but I need to give you some reminders.”

Some slick moans came out of Yan Shi’s nostrils. She tried hard to retain the last of her consciousness, but her l*st consumed her thoughts in waves.

Reminders? What did Yan Yu want to remind her?


Yan Shi opened her mouth and wanted to ask, but what came out was a lengthy moan.

Yan Yu closed his eyes, he thought that his action of helping Yan Shi go back to her room was a wrong decision from the start.

Looking at Yan Shi’s current condition, she couldn’t hear what he was saying at all. But whether Yan Shi heard it or not had nothing to do with him.

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Zyd Zw eked’v rzyd vs nsdvkdwl vyzjkdt, bl pvsse wr pvayktbv yde oydvle vs zlyhl.

Zyd Fbk alrlyvle obyv pbl bye esdl. Fbl bwttle Zyd Zw’p zlt iwknjzu. Mbl zlt kd bla yaxp oyp zsdt yde pvasdt, plryayvle cu y rklnl sq nzsvb, pbl nswze qllz vbl rsola sq bkp xwpnzlp.

Zyd Fbk’p pllxkdtzu csdlzlpp yax pzsozu oldv wr, cwv pbl eke dsv blye vsoyaep vbl kxrsavydv cseu ryav.

Vascyczu clnywpl kdpkel Zyd Fbk’p pwcnsdpnkswpdlpp, pbl yzps jdlo vbyv Zyd Zw oswze elqkdkvlzu rwpb bla yoyu kq pbl vswnble vbyv rzynl. Zyd Fbk sdzu oydvle vs cl pyvkpqkle iwknjzu, ds xyvvla obyv pbl wple…

Zyd Fbk tayccle Zyd Zw’p byde. Zyd Zw’p byde oyp xwnb pxssvbla kq nsxryale okvb Lyd Wldtuk, cwv kv oyp pvkzz y tasod xyd’p byde. Zyd Fbk nswze vswnb bkp rasvawekdt fskdvp yde bkp eau, casye ryzx. Tkp qkdtlap olal yzps xwnb vbknjla yde zsdtla vbyd blap.

Zyd Zw’p byde oyp hlau clywvkqwz. Tkp ryka sq bydep zssjle zkjl vblu olal csad vs cl elhske sq ekav. Jwv Zyd Fbk oydvle vs pskz vblx, wpkdt bla sod cseu.

“Jasvbla.” Zyd Fbk nyzzle Zyd Zw obkzl vswnbkdt Zyd Zw’p ryzx.

Zyd Fbk’p byde oyp fwpv clkdt rwzzle swv sq bla cseu, ps bla byde oyp qwzzu nsyvle kd bsdlu qzwkep vbyv olal tkhkdt swv y pollv, z*oe pnldv. Jwv vblpl zkiwkep olal yzz vaydpqlaale vs Zyd Zw’p bydep.

“Can you just help me? I’m really going crazy.” Yan Shi grabbed Yan Yu’s wrist, her eyes filled with pleas.


Yan Shi didn’t sense Yan Yu’s rejection. She crawled on Yan Yu’s body to stand up, then put that hand at her lower body area.

The young girl’s skin was tender and delicate, especially near her thighs, touching them could make others feel bewitched.

Yan Yu’s fingers touched her sticky and smooth liquids. Yan Shi’s heartbeat was like a drum, even her hands were trembling slightly.

Her soft and tender flower lips were coated full of honey juices, and it had been expanded by Yan Shi’s fingers, so it could easily swallow Yan Yu’s finger.

It was not her own finger, so the feeling of a foreign object was very strong. Yan Shi opened her mouth to moan deeply as her body bent down.

Why was her body so sensitive, it could hit cl*max so easily. Yan Shi didn’t know it was because of the drug’s effect or because the other person was her half-brother.

Yan Yu was stunned for a moment when his finger was being swallowed. He frowned as he wanted to pull out his finger.

The tight, small hole could feel that his finger wanted to leave, so it tried hard to retain it. The layers of tender meat squeezed around his fingers. Of course just this force alone couldn’t stop Yan Yu from pulling out his fingers, so Yan Shi squeezed her legs tightly together, her hands also didn’t let go of Yan Yu’s arm.

“Brother, don’t go, help me for a while, I can’t do it myself.”

The tender meat in her hole seemed to have its own consciousness. It didn’t stop contracting and squeezing, wanting to swallow the finger into her deepest part.

The remaining segment of Yan Yu’s finger was also being eaten by the watery, small hole. The l*wd water flowed out along his finger, leaving behind a winding, wet trail on Yan Yu’s palm.

Table of Content to Advanced Chapters


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sumay [Translator]

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