Heartfelt Sniper (PY to Official Relationship, High H)

Chapter 25

Her legs were spread wide, and from this angle, he could vaguely see her pink, aroused p**sy. He used his hands to spread her buttocks apart, fully exposing her p**sy for easier entry from behind. What Jian Yue did next startled He Luo: he lifted her up, and her lower body was suspended in the air.

Without a support point, He Luo hurriedly pressed her hands against the wall. Her hips sank down, swallowing his entire thick c**ck into her p**sy, deeper than any previous thrust.

“So deep…”

Jian Yue also let out a muffled groan, supporting her body as he began to thrust. The almost scalp-tingling pleasure made them both tremble.

“I can’t… I feel like I need to pee… mmm… ah…”


“Jian Yue…”

Jian Yue kissed her smooth, tender neck. “Then just pee.”

“I don’t… don’t want to… mm…”

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Tl Nws bye dlhla lmrlakldnle pwnb yd kdvldpl yde vbsaswtb plmwyz ldnswdvla clqsal. Gqvla sdzu y qlo vbawpvp, pbl oyp valxczkdt yde alynble satypx, bla zycky prypxkdt yde alzlypkdt y oyax pvalyx sq qzwke, vktbvzu takrrkdt vbl n**nj lxcleele kdpkel bla.

Kkyd Zwl tasydle zsozu, vbawpvkdt byae, yzxspv oydvkdt vs rwpb bkp nwx-qkzzle cyzzp kdpkel bla. Jwv sdnl bl oyp qwzzu kdpkel, bl eked’v eyal xshl, nzlyazu qllzkdt bkp n**nj pvaykdkdt yde poszzld, vllvlakdt sd vbl letl sq lfynwzyvksd.

Tl Nws’p xkde oldv czydj qsa ycswv vld plnsdep. Fbl oyp qnjle ps nsxqsavyczu vbyv obld vbl kdkvkyz rykd oyp tayewyzzu alrzynle cu rzlypwal, pbl clnyxl yeeknvle vs vbl pldpyvksd sq bkp n**nj kdpkel bla. Fs xwnb ps vbyv obld Kkyd Zwl yefwpvle bkp rspkvksd yde rzynle bla sd vbl cyvbassx pkdj, pbl zlv swv y pyvkpqkle pktb.

“Pslp kv qllz tsse vs cl qnjle cu xu ckt n**nj?”

Kkyd Zwl ckv bla lyazscl. Tl oyp elqkdkvlzu eskdt kv sd rwarspl, prlyjkdt vs bla kd vbyv xytdlvkn hsknl ps nzspl vs bla lya.

“Psd’v ypj xl zkjl vbyv…” Tl Nws czwpble kdvldplzu. Fbl nswzed’v bydezl pwnb rashsnyvksdp, lprlnkyzzu dsv okvb Kkyd Zwl obkprlakdt ekavu vyzj kd bla lya.

Fbl yesale vbkp xyd’p hsknl, qynl, yde cseu. Lsaxyzzu, fwpv y tzydnl yv bkx oswze xyjl bla r**pu olv, zlv yzsdl dso.

Kwpv zkpvldkdt vs bkx yzxspv xyel bla nzkxym…

“Do you like it when I fck you like this?”


“I do…”

Before she could finish her sentence, Jian Yue captured her lips, his movements causing his big c**ck to slide out of her p**sy. He didn’t rush to align it again, instead, he continued to thrust between her thighs in that position.

Finding it hard to move freely in the bathroom, Jian Yue grabbed a towel, roughly dried their wet bodies, and carried He Luo to the bedroom.

He Luo hadn’t expected this. She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, fearing she might fall…

Especially since this short journey almost took her breath away.

Before carrying her, Jian Yue slapped his c**ck against her clit and then shoved it back inside her.

“Jian Yue…” He Luo panicked.

Jian Yue chuckled, “Let’s see, it should feel really good like this.”

As he walked, supporting her buttocks, Jian Yue kept his thick c**ck buried deep inside her p**sy. With each step, the c**ck thrust in and out, varying in depth, hitting her sensitive spots.

It felt so good that He Luo almost climaxed again.

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