Chapter 89

Su Mi's thoughts were not on Qin Yan, and she couldn't sense the coldness in his words. Her gaze remained on Jian Yujue, across from her. After thinking for a…

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Chapter 88

In the 22nd year of the Ming Yin Dynasty, during the Jingyuan period, a case of someone taking the imperial examination under another person's name was discovered by the Eastern…


Chapter 87

The case of the imperial examination caused a sensation throughout the city, but it was resolved faster than expected. The Eastern Bureau already had the evidence from the beginning, and…

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Chapter 86

In the interrogation room of the Eastern Bureau, rhythmic tapping sounds came from behind the black pearwood desk. Lu Guanlin secretly glanced up. Qin Yan leaned back in his chair,…


Chapter 85

[ T/N :Ommmgggg... D.Bubble.... Thank you so much for the coffee... This is the last mass release for this novel... Anyway, I will be picking up some nice novels that…


Chapter 84

The spring examination in the capital city was much stricter than the provincial examination. There were watchtowers at each corner of the examination hall to monitor the entire situation. Guards…


Chapter 83

The spring imperial examination of the Ming Yin dynasty was presided over by the Ministry of Rites in the Gongyuan. It was divided into three sessions, each lasting three days.…

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Chapter 82

The days passed slowly and leisurely for half a month. With Auntie Lan's company, Yu Qingniang's mood improved significantly, and Su Mi temporarily set aside her worries. However, when Auntie…


Chapter 81

When she entered the government office, the sunlight had just begun to shine. Su Mingde came out, but it was already close to noon. Su Mingde sat alone in the…


Chapter 80

Yu Qingniang didn't want to stay a moment longer in the Southern Mansion. With Chunlan, she walked towards the door and onto the carriage. Su Mingde didn't even have time…